Crooked Organizations In Charge of Vaccine Deployment

Even if you still trust the CDC (and you should reconsider, because they are a FOR PROFIT organization that hides under a non-profit umbrella and hold DOZENS of patents), HAVE. A. LOOK. at the organizations teaming up on delegating vaccine deployment from this .pdf you can download:…/WHO-2019-nCoV-Vaccine_deployment… Page 6 lists the following Crooked organizations …

Charles Lieber nanotechnology

Maybe Charles Lieber plays more roles than just hydrogel nanotechnology used in Covid jabs (alt link) Leiber was Sponsored by DARPA, NIH & Others. Screenshots direct from his Lieber’s Harvard Lab: Check out these recent Charles Lieber Publications: “Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces,” DOI: 10.1016/J.NANTOD.2019.100821, 9 DEC 2019. READ MORE “Highly transparent contacts …