President Donald Trump and Don Trump Jr were both delivered a card in Hand at the New Hampshire rally in 2024

Trump NOW has Grazing The Surface Info

Tonight, President Donald Trump and Don Trump Jr. were delivered a Grazing the Surface Card- in Hand. Let’s hope they see this website, and reaffirm the globalist takeover here in New Hampshire, starting with Governor Chris Sununu attending the World Government Summit with Dean Kamen to discuss One World Government, including Smart Cities, the Fourth …

Charles Lieber nanotechnology

Maybe Charles Lieber plays more roles than just hydrogel nanotechnology used in Covid jabs (alt link) Leiber was Sponsored by DARPA, NIH & Others. Screenshots direct from his Lieber’s Harvard Lab: Check out these recent Charles Lieber Publications: “Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces,” DOI: 10.1016/J.NANTOD.2019.100821, 9 DEC 2019. READ MORE “Highly transparent contacts …

fauci collins gates

Francis Collins steps down as Director of NIH

Last month, Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, decided he was going to ‘step down’ from his position as Director because he said “no single person should serve in the position too long” after sitting in his current seat with the NIH for 12 years. Collins was appointed by Obama and sat …