Noncompliant Movie with Krisanne HallKRISANNE HALL is a Constitutional Attorney in Florida. She will expand your knowledge and understanding of what it means to say “WE THE PEOPLE” and to be PEACEFULLY NONCOMPLIANT.Video Link: 54 viewsFacebookTwitterLinkedinPin ItTumblrWhatsApp You may also like Holocaust: How normal people turned into murderers John D Rockefeller seizing US media & hijacking US medicine & AMA Ghislaine Maxwell Famliy’s Government Security Software & 9/11 Nadia Marcinko’s Aviloop Business World Economic Forum & The Great Reset KLAUS SCHWAB: “WE PENETRATE THE CABINETS..” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset Graphene Oxide & C-Vacs SPARS 2025-2028 – A FUTURISTIC SCENARIO AI & The Future of Work 123…5»Page 1 of 5